
Harwich Guy Carnival in Partnership with Essex Police


  1. No person should be carried on the drawing unit of an articulated vehicle other than in their cab. The area immediately to the rear of the cab is particularly dangerous
  2. No person who is apparently incapacitated through drink or drugs should be carried on a float. No alcohol on floats.
  3. No float should carry young children without adequate supervision.
  4. Adequate guardrails should be considered to prevent persons falling from the vehicle. If it is necessary to carry children they should be kept well away from the vehicle edge and should remain seated unless proper handholds are provided.
  5. No person will be allowed to sit with their legs over the side of the float.
  6. Movements on floats should be limited and no acrobatics or similar activities should take place.
  7. No vehicle in the procession should exceed walking pace under ANY circumstances, even if attempting to close a gap between it and a proceeding vehicle.
  8. After the procession no float will be allowed to leave the dispersal area carrying passengers other than in the cab. The float’s journey home will not be at the restricted speeds and there is an obvious danger to people if they are carried on the back of the float.
  9. No float with water-related, or any other types of missiles will be allowed to take part in the procession.
  10. No person is to be allowed to alight or board a float whilst it is in motion or temporarily stopped in the parade.
  11. Under the terms of the street collection licence granted for Harwich Guy Carnival, money may only be collected by participants on behalf of the Rotary Club of Harwich & Dovercourt and must be handed in to Rotary Club members at the designated collection points, such as the High Lighthouse at the end of the procession or any other such point designated on the route.
  12. No collecting buckets on the floats. If members of your organisation wish to collect they are to walk beside their float. This is to discourage coins being thrown and causing possible injury to persons on the float. It is also a Health and Safety issue.
  13. Drivers of vehicles taking part in the procession are to remain with their vehicles at all times.